Sohail Warraich's column: General Asim Bajwa became political? |
Born into Rahim Yar Khan's Jat farming family, Asim Saleem Bajwa spent most of his life in art. After retiring from military service, he became chairman of the C-Pack, a strategic management position. Now he has also been appointed as the prime minister's information adviser, so for the first time in his life he will hold a purely political position.
There is such a difference and contradiction between the army and the system of politics that even the most intelligent General Azam Khan, General Aslam Baig and General Hameed Gul who came from the army into the field of politics could not succeed.
In view of this concern, I asked General (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa if taking political office meant entering politics, and he made it clear that he was not interested in politics. He has taken up the post as an honorary honorarium without pay and benefits and despite the offer, he has not even notified the post of advisor as equivalent to that of a minister.

He said that he wanted to adapt the Ministry of Information to the 21st century as he already has experience in this field so he hoped that it would act as a bridge between the media and the government as well as the media. We will try to stop the economic decline of India.
General Asim Saleem Bajwa was the Army Spokesman, Corps Commander of the Southern Command and before that he was also the ADC of President Musharraf. He played all three different roles in a very cheerful manner.
Look at the variety of his personality that he worked with four different temperament army chiefs General Musharraf, General Kayani, General Raheel Sharif and General Bajwa and was closer to each of them than ever before.
He is said to have worked so hard at his assignment that he eventually succeeded.
General Asim's father Saeed Bajwa was mysteriously killed. He embodied this personal tragedy in such a way that he achieved one victory after another in his career, but the problem he will face is that a person who works hard in a military position gets the support of the organization while one who works more in politics. There are more conspiracies against it.

It remains to be seen how successfully they will be able to fight on both the work and conspiracy fronts.
Why was General Asim Saleem Bajwa ready to take up this political responsibility despite being a non-controversial and high-ranking member of the C-Pak?
In my personal opinion, Imran Khan's personal effort is the most to please them. Prime Minister Imran Khan is a man of extremes or a big fan of someone or a strong opponent or an angel or a black thief. They have only two colors, black or white. They don't like gray.
He was a big fan of General Asim Saleem Bajwa's media management. On the other hand, he was completely dissatisfied with his media team.
Meetings with General Asim Bajwa will focus on media handling and modern day requirements. General Asim Saleem Bajwa is not convinced to poison the person who dies in Garh. He may have presented this philosophy and Khan Azam may have understood it.
General (retd) Bajwa accepted this responsibility conditionally. One is that he will continue to serve as C-Pack Chairman. Political Affairs will be handled by Information Minister Shibli Faraz while General Asim Saleem Bajwa will be in the background to remodel the Information Ministry.
General Asim Saleem Bajwa is fit, young. Despite the responsibilities of C-Pack, he has so much energy and potential that he wants to use his experience gained from ISPR for the betterment of the Ministry of Information.
The expectation is that he will create an atmosphere of goodwill for himself by paying the media arrears during the honeymoon period of his appointment.
General Asim Bajwa is known as a 'passer-by', but the machine he has become a part of is completely static and closed. Even if a part works hard, it cannot run the machine.
In a month or two, General Asim Bajwa will realize that the real fault is in the machine which is not allowing any part to run. That is why many advisers and ministers were changed, many IGs and chief secretaries were changed but governance could not be improved.

The second big problem for General Asim Saleem Bajwa will be that he has worked all his life in a disciplined institution like the army where if you give an order, the work is done while the matter of politics and government is reversed. Sometimes there are real obstacles and hurdles that have to be stopped.
It remains to be seen how General Asim Saleem Bajwa deals with these obstacles, difficulties and problems. The next two to three months are crucial for Gen (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa to show his performance and streamline the ministry.
They should take advantage of this honeymoon period and their good relations with the government and make reforms immediately. If for some reason it is delayed, then like many other reforms in the past, this plan will remain incomplete.
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