A diet that can last for two thousand years |
When Nazi forces laid siege to Leningrad on September 8, 1941, citizens were in contact with the rest of Russia through a strip of land adjacent to Lake Ladoga, but heavy shelling made it impossible to evacuate all citizens.
If you look at history, the siege caused the most casualties.
When the population was starving, it was heard that people would kill each other for ration cards and eat corpses. Although the incidence of human consumption of meat was much less than the proportion of the population, it did lead to extreme anxiety in the population.
The fear was so great that the police threatened the disobedient citizens that if they did not obey, they would be imprisoned along with the cannibals. Most of the people caught eating human flesh were forced and helpless mothers who were single and unemployed.
Those who were caught were put in jail instead of being killed out of pity.
Despite the extreme compulsion, there was a source of food that remained hidden from the eyes of the people except those who knew it. The Gene Bank at the Institute of Plant Industries in Leningrad was and still is the largest store of plant seeds in the world. If a plant goes extinct anywhere in the world, it can be replanted with seeds etc.
Even in the worst of circumstances, the people working in the company protected the warehouse by risking their lives. He feared that the forced occupiers would waste their lives trying to escape the famine by raiding the warehouse or that the invading forces would destroy the building so that people could not take advantage of it.
When Soviet forces lifted the siege on January 18, 1943, the seed warehouse survived a two-and-a-half-year siege.
If the world were to face another World War, a nuclear war or a difficult time, what would be the things that would be safe for the survivors to eat? Not only this, with the help of good nutrition you can do wonders.

Michael Solo, an expert in food chemistry at University College London, says that almost all foods are spoiled by one thing, and that is the growth of microbes. Foods should be dried, salted, and stored in airtight containers.
All of these measures reduce the growth of microbes, and these methods have been used for centuries. Michael Solo says drying food is the most effective. Then add salt. It is not enough to close food in cans that cannot be ventilated.
It is impossible to get rid of the life from food that spoils them because eliminating them will result in the loss of the food itself. In contrast, it is more important to use methods that stop the growth of microbes. Drying is effective because dehydration hinders the growth of microbes. Not only this, dehydration also reduces the oxidation process which spoils the food.
Closed containers that cannot be ventilated are also not very efficient because there are already enough microbes on the food and some microbes grow even with low oxygen. The microbes in meat do not need much oxygen.
Michael Solo says that such microbes can be very bad for you, so drying food is better than packing food in a can without air.
Applying salt to meat is effective because salt removes moisture, creating a situation in which microbes cannot escape. The presence of too much salt creates conditions where the bacteria do not work properly. This is called osmotic shock. Michael Solo says that salt removes water from the cells of microbes and irritates them.
Applying sugar also causes osmotic shock. Foods high in sugar are usually good for a long time. Sugar does not grow microbes in the dry state.

Candies that contain 80% sugar have very little microbial growth and can last for many years. But when other ingredients like milk and eggs are added to them, then such things are fine for a short period of time. Caramel and chocolate can become moldy, while the bacteria that are added to them make them grow.
Honey is also almost impossible to spoil because it contains a lot of sugar and very little water and it is very well preserved. Honey samples have been found in the 3,000-year-old tombs of the elite in Georgia and the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt.
But perhaps the most famous food preservation event today is Iceland's Big Mac, which was housed in a glass cabinet after McDonald's closed in 2009. Although it did not develop mold, Michael Solo's advice to keep it safe was not followed. The burger was kept in a glass cabinet and was preserved only by the preservatives that were put in it when it was made.
Burger King satirically ran an ad campaign. In this ad, Burger King's burgers start to get moldy as they get older. The purpose was to show that they do not put preservatives in their burgers. In 2018, McDonald's also announced that it would reduce the number of preservatives in its burgers, buns and sauces.
Preservatives are also used in food sold in supermarkets to make food last longer. The makers want consumers to pick up the product from the shelf a week after it is made, or people should not notice a difference in taste when they eat it four weeks later.
Therefore, it is not necessary that the history written on such things that indicates how long they can be eaten indicates their safety, but rather that it is the date after which the shape of such things is determined by those who made them. Do not meet the standards for products offered by
McDonald's discontinued the use of a preservative called calcium propionate in 2018. It did not cause mold on the bun. They also stopped using sorbic acid, which prevents mold from appearing on cheese. He also stopped using sodium benzoate, which inhibited the growth of bacteria in his Big Mac sauce.
The same food preservation methods have been used for thousands of years now. The methods that are in vogue today are the same ones that our forefathers have been using.
Alcohol and the ancient knowledge of Attar

Food items that have survived for a long time can help us understand which foods in our homes may be discovered by our future generations in the future.
Mark Thomas, a professor of evolutionary genetics at University College London, says foods high in fat are safe for a long time. Butter, cheese, animal fats and oils are well preserved.
Butters that have been fermented too much or become fermented have been found in swamps of swallowed plants. The butter was 4,000 years old and was discovered in Scotland and Ireland. Butter or animal fat is thought to have been buried by people at that time in order to preserve it or protect it from thieves.
Although this butter looks like wax, in principle it is edible. Water without acidity and oxygen prevents things from rotting. That is why trees and human bodies have been found in such swamps in very good condition.
Some people have tried eating such butter, but it smelled and tasted like hardly anyone would want to eat. A similar experiment was recently conducted in which butter was kept in a swamp of soaked plants for three months. People who ate it said that it tasted a little as salty as the meat after spoiling.
Burying food is a good way to prolong their life, provided the rest of the conditions are favorable. Waxed carcasses were found in China decorated with cheese and may have contained a special kind of frothy wine.
It is believed that the land where these bodies were buried was barren with a high salt content in the soil and this was the reason for preserving the bodies and cheese. Although the conditions under which the cheese was found may not appeal to anyone, Professor Mark Thomas says that we should not be in a hurry to form an opinion about it because many people still taste the cheese that is commonly found today. Don't like
But one of the oldest food items still acceptable to use is a bottle of wine from the Roman Empire in the German city of Spear. The drink in this 1700 year old bottle had thickened and frozen and had lost its color. No one dared to open it and taste it.
But the world's oldest champagne bottle was found in the wreckage of a sunken ship. A 200-year-old bottle found in the bottom of the Baltic Sea was tasted in 2010 by diver Christine Extram, who pulled it out. According to him, it was sweet and had gas bubbles in it. The wreckage was in the depths of the sea where it was dark and the water was very cold and that is why the wine was safe.
A bottle found in the wreckage sold for 26 26,248 at auction in 2011. The ship sank between 1825 and 1830, and the champagne found so far was the oldest bottle of champagne in the world.

But is there any preservative of ancient meat? To find it, you have to go to the frozen northern part of the world or to glaciers in which animals are trapped and frozen.
From time immemorial, frozen meat looks edible as long as it is frozen, but as soon as it is melted, it becomes foul-smelling. When researchers found extinct ancient elephants in cold regions, they testified to the same thing.
One of its metals is a 40,000-year-old specimen of the Brezuka meme, found in Siberia in 1900. Adrian Lester's book Memoirs mentions that his flesh was deep red in color, while his flesh showed layers of fat like marble tiles.
At the time, the head of the campaign said that it tasted so good that we thought for a while that it should be tasted, but no one dared to put it in their mouths. The dogs that were there ate whatever meat was thrown at them.
After melting the meat, its color turned gray and it started to look ugly. The author of the book, Adrian Lester, told us that none of the people in the campaign had tasted it, but a scientist who was told that he had tasted the meat became ill after eating it.
A historian at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, a paleontologist who discovered the frozen ancient elephant, recounted his journey when he tried to melt and fry the frozen meat. When it was gone, it became foul-smelling and mingled.
When meat is spoiled, it turns gray. This is because of a substance called oedopicare that humans cannot eat. It is also called grave wax or corpse wax. Oedipocytes are formed when anaerobic bacteria begin to break down fats in the meat.
Forensic scientists assess the amount of oedopicare in the body to determine how old it is. When the body freezes, ice crystals form that damage the muscle fibers.
Prolonged freezing of fish meat spoils it. If the cod is frozen for a long time, it loses water and when it is melted, its flesh hardens. When fish meat is frozen for a long time, its meat undergoes various chemical changes and over time it becomes unfit for human consumption.

In meat, however, microorganisms begin to form over time and are therefore not suitable for long-term preservation. But technology can solve this problem.
Michael Solo of University College London says that ten years from now, instead of slaughtering animals to get meat, the meat will be grown with the help of cellular agriculture and thus the meat will last longer.
He is referring to companies such as Impossible Foods, which have grown meat in the laboratory and such meat is free of germs.
Ice age or nuclear catastrophe
If there is a sudden extinction of the human population in this era, then the reasons for this to happen will also be important, what are the things that will be able to eat human beings.
Michael Solo says that if there is no tragedy that results in food spoilage for any reason, ie a chemical or nuclear tragedy, then we will be able to take things from the supermarket that are not fresh. In the event of a natural disaster severely disrupting the supply of these foods, canned food and frozen foods can be eaten in the box, just to make sure they are not too old.
Michael Solo says I would first use things that have been sealed in a bag and taught. Thus two things protect them from the absence of air and the absence of moisture.
The speed of this process is also very important in teaching things. Gradually, some bacteria adapt to the conditions and form endospores or hardened envelopes to protect themselves as long as the conditions are not right for them. Some of these bacteria are thermophilic, meaning they can withstand very high temperatures. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove them by raising the temperature.
So microbes can survive in slowly drying items. Sprayed or frozen items and items that have dried quickly last longer.

If there is a tragedy that the food on the surface of the earth is not edible, then food can still be found provided people know where to look for it.
In the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard in Norway, buried under several layers of mountains and ice, is a storehouse of global seeds. It is similar to the Gene Bank of the Leningrad Institute of Plant Industry in modern times. It has 986243 seed samples of plants from all over the world in its four walls. Each sample contains about 500 seeds, or about 5 billion seeds.
These specimens are wrapped in aluminum foil in metal baskets at a temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius and are designed to be stored forever. Even if the whole world is in the grip of a disaster and the power supply is cut off, it is hoped that the specimens will be preserved in this warehouse buried under the Arctic ice.
But if you come here looking for food, you have to be careful in choosing the seeds. Apple, apricot, cherry, peach and potato seeds have a layer of amygdala which is excreted in cyanide when digested. However, if a young person eats 75 apricot kernels, he will get a deadly amount of cyanide and this is not possible under normal circumstances.
Food of the future
It is better to focus on foods that are prepared in the laboratory and that do not spoil for a long time, rather than taking such risks. With the help of technology, we have a diet that does not spoil for a long time. Shame on our ancestors for the present day methods and efforts to preserve the food of our ancestors.
According to Michael Solo, food prepared for space travel may be the most suitable. They weigh less when made and last longer in changing temperatures.
Similarly, rations made for the military in the United States can withstand temperatures of 27 degrees Celsius for three years, according to US military guidelines. In addition, these foods do not spoil in other harsh conditions compared to commercially prepared foods. They are also fine when dropped off a plane.
Julie Smith, a food technologist at the Soldier Center for the US Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command, says commercial products do not meet the principle of long-term retention of groceries. According to the Defense Logistics Company, they have five million pieces of one-time food ready in the warehouse, which can be eaten at any time when needed.
Michael Solo says substitutes for ordinary foods will be edible, such as those made by Hewlett-Packard and other foods made using them.
Havel is a company that makes complete nutritional food powder for human needs. She freezes and grinds to make a powder that does not contain moisture. They believe that their products are good for a long time because the steps they take in the preparation of the powder help to keep them safe for a long time.
The way we control moisture, light and oxygen during packaging is important, says Rebecca Williams, a nutritionist who works for Havel. We inspect everything to make sure everything is hygienic. The packaging also needs to be germ-free so we use steam and acid so that there are no microbes on the packaging. ۔
If you agree to go to a supermarket that no one has entered for many years, you will definitely find some interesting things to choose from. If you know where to look, you'll find plenty to eat. "I expect dried items to be included, but the famous biscuit hub nab may be gone," says Professor Thomas.
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