When the Corona virus devastated a laughing house - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

When the Corona virus devastated a laughing house

Four members of Ruma Salem's family suffered from the Corona virus and in just four days one of them was killed. She herself returned home from Corona last week.

Roma thinks it was the most difficult time of her life. She explains that all their families were sent to different quarantine centers, and as they watched, their cluttered home became deserted.
The BBC spoke to Roma Salim, 24, and asked her what she saw from the virus verification until she returned from the hospital.
She says: 'My aunt and uncle came to Rawalpindi from England and I took the responsibility of shopping with my brother. So we spent more time together. After three or four days, Khala's nature deteriorated and we too started feeling tired. But we ignored it thinking it was normal fatigue. '
'During this time the aunt's health started to get worse, she was having trouble breathing and after that she was admitted to the Military Hospital. Meanwhile, my brother and uncle were taking care of them. One day later, doctors said they had confirmed the Corona virus. "
'After that, Khalol and brother got tested because they were taking care of them. Both of those tests came out positive. Two days had passed since the phone call from the hospital that the patient had collapsed and at the same time the doctors said that my brother and uncle had to be taken to the hospital. '
'It was a difficult time. I was worried about my father who is already diabetic. The other day my test result was positive, an ambulance came and I was told that you too would go to the hospital. Meanwhile, my father was transferred to another quarantine center. '
Roma says locks fell on her house in just four days.

'Be prepared for any kind of situation after the virus is confirmed'

Ruma told about the time she was in the hospital.
"When the corona virus is confirmed, it is a difficult step. It seems that life will probably end now. I was feeling the same. '
'I was not scared to death but was afraid of death in which my own self could not even come near me. My brother was in the hospital, now I was leaving, which left my father completely alone. When I was sitting in the ambulance, Abu said, "Now I am giving you two children to God."
'When you get to the hospital, be prepared for any situation. It can also be encouraging and very annoying and painful but remember that no matter what happens, you should not give up. '
Roma Salim remained undergoing treatment at the Rawalpindi Institute of Urology, where she had several more patients. She says they included people of all ages.

'The first four days I was very upset. I was having severe anxiety and my breathing was closing. My body's immune system was already weak. I was so upset that I couldn't eat anything that was causing my weakness. The doctors shifted me with my brother. My father was sent to the quarantine center in Sohawa. '

"Doctors kept telling me that if I could not overcome depression, my breathing would increase and then I would be oxygenated."
'But four days later I decided I would not give up. I will live for my family. After that I spent most of my time on the phone. Talked to relatives and friends, the father's test came back negative and the mood increased. Brother was recovering fast. So many people sent me early medical messages that encouraged me so much. "
She says the hospital offers various medicines to coronary patients.
'Corona's patient should be prepared that he will be given different medications and their quantity and types will depend on the symptoms that are present in the body. For example, almost all patients, including myself, were initially given a drug called chloroquine, which is given in malaria or dengue fever. So my fever was under control from the beginning. '
'Then at one point my stomach got worse and then my medication started. And that's how the series goes. Monitor every two to three times a day, fever is checked. Blood pressure is checked, if pulse is low then oxygen is applied. So this is a situation for which every coronary patient must be mentally prepared. '

'Somewhere along the way, my son got the Corona virus'

Rawalpindi resident Muhammad Osama Corona, 22, is among those recovering, but the two weeks of his illness were extremely difficult for his mother.

"It was a big shock when I found out my son had the corona virus," she says.
Mohammad Osama received an automated SMS from the National Institutes of Health one evening saying he had been in contact with a person diagnosed with the Corona virus over the past week, so he tested himself Please. '

Osama's mother says she had no symptoms, but at the time of the test, the corona virus was confirmed.
'It was a big shock, when I found out I cried a lot about what would happen next. I also have two young children. They would cry when they saw me in this trouble. Then I strengthened myself and encouraged Osama to act courageously. I told my other children that my brother would be fine. '
She says her son spent more time in worship after going to the hospital.
'It was a time of great trouble, but thank goodness when the rest of the household test came back negative. Osama was also convinced of the news. After I finished homework, I used to worship and pray for my son's health and life. Finally, a few days later, Osama's two more tests, which came to Negatives. Now he has returned from the hospital and has been quarantined at home. '
She says getting a family member diagnosed with corona is a family test.
“People in the street are also worried that the virus has not been transmitted to them. It is essential that the family control themselves and support the patient, who is fighting for life in the hospital. '

Mohammad Osama told the BBC that while staying in the hospital as a patient, another problem is that the people who have been visiting you, your friends and family, have not been affected.

'If so, it is not your fault but it is regrettable. I was afraid that if someone else went through the virus because of me, it would be my responsibility. I was also worried about the nurses and doctors who came to me. '
'Households are not allowed to see the patient, only if they are in protective clothing. But this does not change because other families also have to be quarantined if they are diagnosed with the Corona virus and cannot be taken out of the house by taking precautionary measures. During this time, patient and family contact is done only by phone. '

'Isolation still remains after my return from hospital'

Roma says there are two tests that need to be done negatively before being discharged from the hospital.
'Being discharged from the hospital does not mean that you no longer have to deal with your family and take precautions. I have been in isolation at home for 14 days after returning from the hospital. I have been told by doctors that this precaution is necessary. Therefore, even after being discharged from the hospital, he will have to quarantine himself for at least two weeks. '
Similarly, Mohammed Osama has been living at home for a week. They say they wear masks, etc. and are not going out of the house, but they are careful with the family. After a week they will be able to mix with the family.
'I did not take care before and got out of the house, which led to my arrival at the hospital. If trying to stay in the house with the lockdown banned, a very scary step can be avoided. '
'I am an engineer and used to help doctors and nurses in the hospital. As their walkie talkie got damaged, I fixed it, if there was any electrical work it would help. I used to make my videos, take care of other coronary patients, whatsapp their reports to doctors so time would not be known. '
'There are all kinds of people in the wards of Corona, there are no literate, illiterate, poor or rich in captivity. There are patients from every background and we have a lot to learn. We are suffering from one illness and one distress, away from our loved ones and there is uncertainty. In this case we have to support each other. '

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