Corona virus: Supreme Court dissatisfied with Pakistani government's actions - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Monday, April 13, 2020

Corona virus: Supreme Court dissatisfied with Pakistani government's actions

Pakistan's Supreme Court has expressed dissatisfaction over the government's measures in preventing Corona epidemic in the country and also questioned the qualifications and performance of Dr Zafar Mirza, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Health.
This observation was given by the court on Monday in the Supreme Court on the occasion of a hearing of the notice of the facility in hospitals in view of the Corona virus.
This is the first time that Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed has taken notice of himself on a matter which is being heard by a five-member large bench.
At the hearing on Monday, government actions were taken in hospitals across the country to deal with the Corona virus.
During the hearing, the court also made an observation about Zafar Mirza's removal from office, but there was no mention of it in the writ petition.
After the judicial remarks, the Attorney General said that it would be disastrous to remove Zafar Mirza from his position on this occasion. He also said that 'this authority belongs to the federal government and let the federal government decide it.'
During the hearing, the Chief Justice said that the briefing given to the judges of the Supreme Court a few days ago by the Corona virus control team was only reported, whereas in the meeting five of the team members. Asked questions but could not answer any of them.
It should be noted that Dr Zafar Mirza, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Health and other officials including the head of the NDMA Natural Disaster Management Agency, gave briefs to Supreme Court judges last week about the Corona virus.

During the hearing, the Chief Justice gave remarks and said that consultants cannot say how transparent the health is. The Chief Justice gave further remarks saying that a whole army of Special Assistant Specialists has been appointed who have the powers of Federal Ministers.
In the FIA's ongoing investigation into Zafar Mirza, the Chief Justice asked the Attorney General what investigation was being carried out against him, to which the Attorney General said that a citizen had applied to the FIA. They shipped medical goods to China without paying customs duty.
Giving remarks to the Chief Justice, how the presence of the present Ministers and Advisers can improve.
He said some ministers have been accused of involvement in the crime, which the attorney general said would be hurt by this court submission.
The Chief Justice said that the court has been careful about issuing remarks. The Chief Justice asked the Attorney General how much money the federal government is spending on advisers and ministers.
He said that the number of federal ministers and ministers has increased to over 48 at present and that despite such a large cabinet, no satisfactory arrangements are being made to deal with the Corona virus. He said the advisers and assistants were looking to dominate the federal ministers.
"What is happening is that the federal cabinet also has focal personnel," he said. The chief of the bench said that the Prime Minister's cabinet has become ineffective given these conditions.
The Chief Justice said that "such a large cabinet means that the Prime Minister knows nothing."
The Attorney General told the court that no country was ready to tackle Corona, to which the Chief Justice remarked that many countries around the world have also legislated to tackle the disease, but here the parliament Even the meeting is not happening.
He said parliamentarians are also scared to come to the House.

The Chief Justice said that the federal and provincial governments are reversing their own paths and every politician is giving his own statement on which the Attorney General requested the court not to go over the statements of the political people.
While delivering remarks, Justice Aminuddin, who was present at the bench, said that the President should convene a joint session of Parliament in such a situation.
The Chief Justice asked the Attorney General if there was no industry in the country that could manufacture protective kits for doctors.
While giving remarks, Justice Omar Ata Bandial, who was present at the bench, said that he saw a video of doctors earlier that day in which he was demanding a safety kit instead of eating.
He said that doctors are being provided quality food in hospitals.
Justice Omar Ata Bandial said that the matter was for the health and freedom of the people which cannot be ignored in any way.
During the hearing, the Attorney General applauded the Prime Minister and said that for the first time, Pakistan has received an honest Prime Minister and Pakistan has this last chance and what will happen if it does not improve. Giving remarks to the Chief Justice, he said, "I fear we will not waste this last chance."
He said that the Prime Minister had the ability to execute the 10 slaves of work on which the Attorney General said most people were doing their work, while 'dirty eggs are too few.'
He said the government is afraid of convening a parliamentary meeting because the Supreme Court cannot provide any instructions on how to convene a parliamentary meeting.
The Attorney General told the court that he would inform the government about this Supreme Court observation. He said that there was going to be an important meeting today under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, in which the decision on whether or not to extend the Lockdown to the country would be decided.
Who is Zafar Mirza?
Dr. Zafar Mirza is the Assistant Chief of Health for the Prime Minister and gives a daily briefing on government measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.
According to the National Health Services website, he has previously been director of Health Systems Development, a regional office of the World Health Organization in Cairo. "He worked for 22 countries in the Middle East and North and West Africa."
It is also written that he has many years of experience in the health sector and has also worked as a representative of the World Health Organization in Iran.

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