What does the Corona Virus Do to Your Body? - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Monday, April 13, 2020

What does the Corona Virus Do to Your Body?

The Corona virus came out in December last year but has now become a global outbreak of the Quad-19.
Most people who suffer from the disease do not have the same effect and are recovering, but some people have died as a result. So the question is how does this virus affect the body, why are some people being killed as a result and how is the disease treated?
Incubation or care period
During this period the virus is catching its spot. Viruses generally take control of your body's cells by accessing them.
The corona virus, called SARS-COV-2, attacks your body when you inhale it (when coughing nearby) or you touch your face after touching something. Touch which contains the virus.
First, the virus infects the cells that are in your throat, respiratory tract, and lungs and turns them into 'corona virus factories' that produce more viruses that affect more cells. There are.
You will not be ill at an early stage and most people will not show symptoms of the disease.

The duration of the infection is different in the care period and the symptoms appear but it is reported on average five days.
Mild illness
Most people have similar reactions during the illness. Covid-19 is a common infection for eight out of ten people and its main symptoms include fever and cough.
Body aches, sore throat and headaches are also among the symptoms but these symptoms do not have to be manifest.
Fever and fall in nature are caused by the immune response in the body. It identifies the virus as a troublesome invader and sends a chemical substance called cytokines all over the body to send it that something is going wrong.
Because of this, the immune system in the body is stimulated but it also causes physical pain, discomfort and fever.
The corona virus initially has a dry cough (no mucus) and is probably due to the anxiety caused by the virus in the cells.
Some people eventually begin to get thick material like mucus, which contains cells that die from the virus.
These symptoms can be overcome by taking paracetamol with rest, high amounts of water and alcohol. You don't need a hospital or doctor to do this.
This phase lasts for a week, with most people recovering at that stage because their immune system contrasts with the virus.
However, some people had a relatively serious condition of Cod-19.
We have known so much about this stage so far, but groundwater observations have shown that there are symptoms of colds, including runny nose.

Severe illness
If the disease is aggravated, it means that the immune system is over-reacting to the virus.
Chemical signals sent to the body cause irritation. However, it must be balanced very closely. Too many infections cause damage throughout the body.
"This virus causes an imbalance in the immune system and causes a lot of inflammation, and we don't know how it is," says Nathalie McDermott, a doctor at King's College London.
Lung inflammation is called pneumonia. If it were possible to enter the mouth, you would pass through small tubes through the airway and into small air sacs.
This is where oxygen is added to the blood and carbon dioxide comes out, but in the case of the sample, these small bags are filled with water and begin to breathe and have difficulty breathing.
Some people have to resort to a ventilator to breathe.
According to data from China, 14 percent of people were affected by this stage.
Anxiety Disorders
It is estimated that only six per cent of people with the disease have reached a critical level.
At that time the body stopped functioning and the chances of death were created.
The problem is that at this point the immune system starts to rotate uncontrollably and damages the entire body.
Because of this, the body goes into septic shock and the blood pressure drops to an alarming rate and the organs stop functioning or become completely inactive.
Inflammation in the lungs causes severe respiratory distress and does not reach the oxygen required in the body. This stops the kidney's cleansing process and destroys the intestinal tract.
Dr Bharat Pankhania says, "The virus is so infectious that people end up dying and many organs stop working."
If the immune system fails to control the virus, it goes into every corner of the body, causing further damage.
Up to this point, treatment can be very severe, including ECMO, extra corporeal membrane oxygenation.
It is an artificial lung that drains blood from the body through thick tubes, pours oxygen into them, and pours them back into the body.
But eventually the damage goes to death and the organs fail to keep the body alive.
Early deaths
Doctors described how some patients died despite their best efforts.
The first two patients who died at the hospital in Wuhan, China, were formerly healthy, although they had long smoked. That's why his lungs were weak.
The first 61-year-old man suffered severe pneumonia until being brought to the hospital. He had severe breathing problems and despite being put on a ventilator his lungs became dysfunctional and his heart stopped functioning. He died 11 days later.
The other patient was 69 years old and also had shortness of breath. They were also tried to survive with the help of machines but this proved insufficient. They died of severe pneumonia and septic shock when their blood pressure dropped.

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