I analyzed 21 diet methods to lose weight, and I no longer worry about gaining weight - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Monday, April 20, 2020

I analyzed 21 diet methods to lose weight, and I no longer worry about gaining weight

girl with weight loss
Weight Loss


The history of diet and weight loss is probably as long as we know the history of human civilization. As early as in ancient Greece, there were records of weight loss through diet control. The new fashions of eating and drinking are often not isolated. They may have been followed by people half a century ago.

Starting a weight loss experience, whether it is due to emotional needs, the desire to become beautiful, or health reasons, it is indeed courageous to be able to dare to try it yourself. There is an impulse to lose weight, but in the face of dazzling methods, there is no system to refer to, no rational choices, no prior prevention of side effects, one cannot control the effect, and the other is overwhelmed when encountering problems.
Therefore, I take the 21 popular dietary weight loss methods as a demonstration and put them in an intuitive coordinate system. When you understand this system, weight loss will not be so painful and confusing. Because almost all methods are based on some general principles. You only need to follow these simple principles and choose a diet that suits your physique, and losing weight becomes a natural thing.
The blueprint for 21 dietary weight loss methods is the Best Diet Ranking of US News at the beginning of the year. The ranking of dietary methods by US News has been carried out for several years. Every year, new diet methods are added according to the popularity of the year. This year, there are a total of 40 kinds on the list. Except for some commercial weight loss methods for the US market, the remaining 21 are very practical. Diet in English has both the meaning of controlling diet and weight loss. In many cases, the two are not separated, after all, they are complementary things.
Then we will step into the topic. I divided 21 diet methods into several categories:
A system was roughly established, divided into six major models, namely Mediterranean, vegetarian, low-carbon water, low-fat, calorie-restricted, and unstructured diet. In each mode, I will introduce some representative diet methods.
Mediterranean diet pattern
Mediterranean diet for weight loss
Mediterranean diet for weight loss
The Mediterranean diet was proposed by Dr. Walter Willett, head of the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Harvard University and a member of the American Academy of Sciences in the mid-1990s. It is based on the dietary structure of residents in southern Italy and most of Greece, especially Crete. Walter found that compared to the average United States, although the total amount of fat intake is the same, the incidence of cardiovascular disease in Mediterranean countries is significantly lower than that in the United States. By comparison, Walter believes that the low intake of saturated fatty acids in the Mediterranean diet, the high intake of monounsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber should be an important factor for this difference. The Mediterranean diet model includes many similar variants. Below we introduce the Mediterranean diet, DASH antihypertensive diet and MIND brain diet in order. The later changes in the hormonal diet and anti-inflammatory diet are also close to the structure of the Mediterranean diet, but will be introduced in the classification of non-structural diet patterns.
Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is known for its balance, and the dietary guidelines are basically based on it.
The Mediterranean food pyramid is best known. Of course, there is no standard Mediterranean diet in the world, and 16 countries and regions along the Mediterranean coast have their own differences, but there are some common principles that are considered to be healthy.
Principle: Exercise is the foundation of health. At least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise are guaranteed every week. Eat more natural foods on this basis. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, olive oil, spices are important components of the Mediterranean diet. Several times a week seafood, moderate amounts of poultry meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt. Pay attention to restricting red meat (red meat that shows up before cooking, such as pork, beef, lamb, venison, rabbit, etc. All mammalian meat is red meat, which contains high saturated fat), sugar And saturated fat. People with drinking habits recommend drinking wine in moderation. The wine contains proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, tannins, amino acids, vitamins and mineral nutrients, and is considered to have powerful antioxidant functions.
Dash diet in weight loss
Dash diet in weight loss
DASH Diet is a dietary method advocated by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the American Heart / Lung / Blood Research Center , which can help improve hypertension. It has a 21-year history. Hypertensive patients need to control sodium intake in the diet, increase potassium intake, and reduce blood vessel wall pressure. Hyperlipidemia and hypertension often complement each other and affect each other, so DASH not only promotes salt control, but also fat intake.
Principle: maintain sodium and potassium balance. Potassium, calcium, protein, fiber, etc. can improve hypertension. Recommended fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy products. Diets should limit foods high in saturated fat (meat fat, whole milk products, palm oil, coconut oil, sugary drinks, candy) to reduce salt intake.
Mind Diet in weight loss
Mind Diet in weight loss
Next, let's talk about the MIND diet. MIND combines DASH and the Mediterranean diet, its main purpose is to improve brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease.
The top ten categories of brain food recommended by MIND are: green leafy vegetables, vegetables, berries, fish, wine, olive oil, nuts, whole grains, poultry, beans. In contrast, the five types of unhealthy foods are red meat, butter, margarine, candy, cheese, pastries, fried ornaments, and fast food.
Principles: The basic principles of the MIND diet are similar to the Mediterranean diet, but more detailed guidance is given on the frequency of consumption of each food.
Compared with the Mediterranean diet, the MIND diet recommends controlling the consumption of cheese. Olive oil and wine can be eaten in moderation. Deep-fried, fast food, and processed food should be avoided.
Vegetarian diet pattern
Vegetarian diet pattern
Vegetarian diet pattern 
Next, we introduce the plant-based diet. Based on the vegetarian diet, we introduce the Vegan vegetarian and The Flexitarian. The survey shows that under normal circumstances, vegetarians are lighter than meat eaters and have a relatively low risk of heart disease and diabetes. The history of vegetarianism is quite long. The earliest vegetarian record comes from the ancient Indus Valley culture. In addition, civilizations such as ancient Greece and ancient Egypt have also produced their own vegetarian cultures. In modern society, in addition to religious factors, nutrition, ethics, and environmental protection can all constitute reasons for choosing vegetarian food.

Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian can be roughly divided into Lacto-vegetarian milk vegetarian (eating milk), nix eggs vegetarian who do not eat eggs, vov-vegetarian egg vegetarian (eating eggs), lacto-ovo vegetarian egg milk vegetarian (eating milk and eggs) , Who do not eat any animal products at all is called vegan vegan.
Principle: The simplest understanding of vegetarianism is not to eat meat, but to eat eggs or milk selectively. Different types of vegetarians choose and reject different foods, but they should pay attention to maintaining a reasonable intake ratio of the three major nutrients. Supplementing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and vitamin B12
The term "vegan" vegan was coined by British Donald Watson in 1944, and he also established the world's first vegan society (Vegan Society). Vegan is not so much a diet as a way of life. Vegan do not eat or use any form of animal products. Even gelatin and butter extracted from animals are not eaten. The rest of the food is probably whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans. The American Dietetic Association guidelines recommend that Vegan consume 4 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruits, and 2 servings of healthy fats (such as sesame oil, avocado, coconut, etc.). Alicia Silverstone has published a book called "The Kind Diet", which can be used as a reference. Vegan cuts off the source of animal protein, so supplementing plant protein is especially important.

The picture above provides a rich source of plant protein, all kinds of vegetarians can learn from.
Soy products (chickpeas, peas, edamame, tofu, soy milk, soy milk, tempeh, etc.)
Seeds (hemp seeds, sesame, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, quinoa)
Nuts, nut oil
Vegetables especially dark green leafy vegetables
Nutritional supplements should pay attention to:
Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is mainly found in foods of animal origin. Breast egg vegetarians can get B12 from dairy products and eggs, and vegans can get B12 from some fortified B12 almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, oatmeal and nutritional supplements (cyanocobalamin). Although the body's daily needs for vitamin B12 are very low, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia and irreversible nerve damage.
n-3 fatty acids: Food sources of n-3 fatty acids are soybeans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, rapeseed oil, kiwi, hemp seeds, algae, chia seeds, flax seeds, blue thistle seeds, green leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage ,purslane). Olives and olive oil are good plant sources of unsaturated fatty acids. Vegan also recommends supplementing EPA and DHA in moderation.

The Flexitarian Diet
If Vegan is the strictest vegetarian, then The Flexitarian Diet is a loser vegetarian than Vegetarian. The Flexitarian Diet is a combination of the words Flexible and Vegetarian. On the one hand, flexible vegetarians can gain the benefits of vegetarianism, and on the other hand, you do not have to avoid meat completely. Flexitarian was proposed by nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner.
Principle: The ratio of calorie intake in the morning, middle and evening is recommended to be distributed as 300, 400, and 500. There can be two snacks plus 150 calories in the middle. The main source of protein is still plant protein (flexible vegetarians call it new meat: including lentils, peas, soy products, nuts, seeds, eggs, etc.) vegetable protein can be replaced with chicken, turkey, fish Animal protein such as red meat. "The Flexitarian Diet" has a lot of recipes, just master it flexibly. You can drink one or two glasses of wine every day.
It belongs to a low-carb vegetarian diet, please refer to the section of low-carbon water diet.
Low-Carbon Water Diet

The proportion of the three major nutrients recommended by the Chinese Dietary Guidelines is carbohydrate> fat> protein. The low-carbon water diet is characterized by a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake in the diet. Sometimes referred to as low-carb high fat diet (LCHF = Low Carb High Fat). Representatives of low-carb water diet patterns include Atkins, Eco-Atkins, Zone diet, Keto ketogenic diet, and Paleo Paleolithic diet. Who is responsible for obesity? In the sugar-and-lipid war that year, two distinct flags were formed. Low-fat diets prevailed at first, followed by low-carbon water diets, which also brought a new understanding of the value of fat. In general, the low-carbon water diet brings a stronger sense of fullness, but it may be a way to reduce total calorie intake.

Atkins Diet
Speaking of low-carbon water diet, Robert Atkins is definitely an inescapable figure. In the 1990s, the
The book "Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution" was reprinted by Robert Atkins, and as a symbol, the United States set off a "low carbon frenzy. From the late 1990s to the early 2000s, the low-carbon water diet became the most popular diet in the United States.
Principle: Carbohydrate is the main source of energy for the body. Although protein and fat can also provide energy, carbohydrate is the most economical. Usually, the body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, and glucose oxidizes to release energy. The Atkins diet method artificially restricts carbohydrate intake and makes the body mistaken for famine. Therefore, the body is forced to switch the energy supply mode to fat energy supply, so that the fat in the body will be consumed.
Clean carbon water is an important concept in Atkins' weight loss method. Atkins puts more emphasis on net carbon water than total carbohydrates. Net carbon water = total carbon water-dietary fiber. For different needs, Atkins' website provides Atkins 20, 40, 100 three gears. Atkins 20 is to limit the daily intake of carbohydrates to less than 20g at the beginning, Atkins 40, Atkins100 and so on. Generally speaking, Atkins is roughly divided into four stages.
The first stage (the first week): the net carbon water is limited to 20-25g per day, and can only eat low-carbon water green leafy vegetables, protein, healthy fats, cheese (low carbon water content), seeds, nuts;
The second stage (second week): 25-50g of pure carbon water can be ingested, berries, melons, full-fat Greek yogurt, ricotta, white soft cheese, beans, tomato juice can be added;
The third stage (third week): intake of 50-80g net carbon water every day, you can add more fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains;
The fourth stage (after four weeks): 80-100g net carbon water per day.
A typical Atkins diet consists of low glycemic index fruits, whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, animal protein, healthy fats, and nuts. Atkins weight loss method requires accurate calculation of carbon and water content. During weight loss, it is recommended to add minerals and multiple vitamins, such as magnesium, calcium, fish oil, and vitamin D, to reduce the side effects caused by uneven nutrition intake.
Healthy vs unhealthy low-carb food
Although Atkins' own company and other low-carbon water snacks on the market provide convenience for weight loss, one thing that weight losses tend to overlook is that the quality of carbohydrates is more important than quantity. Packaged foods that claim low-carbon water often add protein powders, refined vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners, etc. during processing, and the difference between the benefits of fresh vegetables to the body is not a little bit.
Eco-Atkins Diet Eco-Atkins Diet
Eco Atkins is a vegetarian version of Atkins. Set by David Jenkins and his team. Jenkins works in the Linchuan Nutrition Department of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and is also a professor at the University of Toronto. Compared with the original Atkins, Eco-Atkins has a similar nutrient intake ratio, but replaces high-fat animal protein with vegetable protein (mainly from soybeans and gluten), and the proportion of carbon water is increased to about 26%.
Principle: 31% of daily calories come from vegetable protein, 43% from vegetable fat, and 26% from carbohydrate. Most ecological Atkins do not eat all animal-derived food, and some people occasionally eat fish, lean meat, eggs, and dairy products. Saturated fat and trans fat are prohibited. It is recommended to add multivitamins and fish oil supplements every day. Vegans can use linseed oil instead of fish oil.
Protein (31%) mainly comes from gluten, soybeans, nuts, such as white beans, black beans, chickpeas, soy drinks, tofu, soy burgers;
Fat (43%) comes from nuts, vegetable oils, soybean products, such as rapeseed oil, linseed oil, walnut oil, olive oil, avocado, etc .;
Carbohydrates (26%) come from high-fiber foods and low-starch vegetables such as oats, barley, eggplant, okra, cauliflower, beets, lettuce, artichokes.
Recipe example
Breakfast: peanut butter, whole wheat toast, soy milk, apple / tofu, sunflower oil, sweet red pepper, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, hazelnuts, oat bran, unsweetened soy milk, nut bread
Lunch: tofu curry, bran pancake, strawberry / burger, nut bread, tofu salad with sunflower oil and vinegar sauce
Snacks: walnut, almond, pistachio / strawberry, almond / orange, cashew / peach
Dinner: bowl of beans, fried cauliflower, brown rice / sunflower oil fried tofu, mushrooms, eggplant, onion, sweet red pepper, broccoli, barley
Zone Diet
Zone Diet was proposed by the biochemist Barry Sears. Zone is not so much a diet as a nutrition concept. Its main purpose is to optimize the hormonal response through a balanced diet and control the level of inflammation in the body. Sears believes that insulin combined with n-6 fatty acids will produce hormones that promote inflammation, and inflammation will cause weight gain. The key to weight loss is to reduce inflammation through hormone balance and blood sugar stabilization. Sears believes that maintaining a ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat per meal can ensure that insulin and inflammation-promoting hormones remain in a certain "region."
So, how does Sears define a zone that reduces inflammation and maintains health? It can be said that Zone is not a vague definition, but has certain clinical indicators. If the indicators are within the ideal value, then it can be said to enter a healthy Zone.
Principle: The regional diet has a calorie limit, women are limited to about 1200 calories per day, men are about 1500 calories;
Eat 5 meals a day, 3 main meals, and 2 snacks;
Eat breakfast within an hour after waking up;
The interval between each meal does not exceed 5 hours;
Every meal should be in accordance with the ratio of 4: 3: 3;
Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day
Measurement methods: hand-eye method and food block method
Hand-eye method: Divide the plate into three parts, use the size and thickness of your palm (excluding fingers) to measure food, one-third of lean protein, two-thirds of low-glycemic index vegetables and fruits, plus some mono-unsaturation fat.
Food block method: The average male eats 14 food blocks a day, while the average female eats 11 food blocks a day. Main meals such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner count as three to five food blocks, and snacks contain one food block.
Each food block consists of protein blocks, fat blocks and carbohydrate blocks.
1 protein block: contains 7 grams of protein, about 28kcal
1 carbohydrate block: contains 9 grams of carbohydrate, about 36kcal
1 fat block: contains 1.5 grams of fat, about 13.5kcal
As shown in the picture, the diet pyramid of Zone, the bottom is a lot of vegetables and fruits, followed by low-fat protein (peeled chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, low-fat milk, tofu), followed by monounsaturated fat, the top is a small amount Cereals (oats, barley). Zone needs to avoid red meat, egg yolks, liver, other processed foods and all high saturated fats.
Zone recommended foods are as follows
Protein: Leptin. Lean beef, pork, lamb, veal, game; skinless chicken, turkey breast; fish and shellfish; vegetarian protein, tofu and other soy products; low-fat cheese, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt.
Fat: Monounsaturated fat. Avocado, nuts (Macadamia nuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios), peanut butter, sesame paste, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, olive oil.
Carbohydrates: vegetables and fruits with low glycemic index. Fruits, such as berries, apples, oranges, plums, etc .; vegetables, such as cucumbers, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, pumpkins, chickpeas, etc .; grains, such as oats, barley.
Keto Diet
Keto Diet is also called Ketogenic Diet, ketogenic is a kind of high-fat low-carb water diet. The ketogenic diet was originally used to treat epilepsy in children, and Professor Gianfranco Cappello at the Sapienza University of Rome used it for weight loss for the first time. There are several different versions of the ketogenic diet, and publications that can be referenced are "The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners" by Amy Ramos and "The Keto Diet" by Leanne Vogel. In addition, the website Dietdoctor also has detailed principle introduction, method guidance, side effect prevention and a large number of low-carbon water recipes. It should be noted that ketogenic ketones are generally not recommended during the administration of hypoglycemic and blood pressure lowering drugs, and when women are breastfeeding.
Theory: Similar to the principle of Atkins diet. With extremely low carbohydrate intake levels, it mimics a person's hunger. When the body breaks down the glycogen stored in the liver, it is forced to break down fat. The liver is the main organ that breaks down fat. The intermediate products of liver oxidative decomposition of fatty acids are Acetoacetate, β-Hydroxybutyrate (β Hydroxybutyrate) and Acetone (Acetone). These three are collectively called ketone bodies. The breakdown of fats leads to the formation of ketone bodies called ketogenic effects. The core of the ketogenic diet is to strictly limit sugar and carbohydrates. Compared with Atkins, ketogenic ketones have a higher fat intake ratio and a lower protein intake ratio.
From the ketogenic diet pyramid, it can be seen intuitively that the ketogenic diet uses meat and fat as staple foods, mixed vegetables and nuts, eats only a small amount of low-sugar fruits (berries), and rejects foods with high carbohydrate content such as grains and sugar. Because the proportion of fat in the ketogenic diet is too high, experts recommend that patients with liver or kidney disease should avoid a ketogenic diet.

Paleo Diet Paleo Diet
Paleo Diet has many similar names, Paleolithic diet, Caveman diet and Stone-age diet. In general, Paleo refers to the diet of humans in the Paleolithic era. Among the admirers of the Paleolithic diet, Loren Cordain, emeritus professor of the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University, is more famous. He has written several books on Paleolithic diet, such as The Paleo Diet, The Paleo Answer, The Real Paleo Diet Cook-book, Real Paleo Fast & Easy, etc. Other websites include Paleo Leap, Everyday Paleo, etc.
Theory: The theory of Paleolithic diet comes from the idea of ​​evolutionary medicine. There is a "discordance design" in evolutionary medicine
hypothesis), this hypothesis believes that in the long evolutionary process, our genes and physiological structure have basically not changed, and food and dairy products as human food are only millennia and 10,000 years old. Less than 1% of the entire evolutionary history, let alone highly processed refined carbohydrates. Based on this, proponents of the evolutionary inconsistency hypothesis believe that our immune system still treats food and dairy products as intruders, and the body therefore develops immune resistance, leading to various modern diseases (such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.). The solution to the above problem may be to return to the Paleolithic eating habits of more than 10,000 years ago, imitating the diet of the hunter-gather at that time.
Principle: The Paleolithic diet should not only avoid processed foods, but also avoid foods that humans began to eat after the Neolithic Age. Only eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat that have existed since the Paleolithic era. So what are the foods that do not exist in the Paleolithic diet list? Do not eat dairy products, cereals, sugar, beans, processed oil, salt, alcohol, coffee, etc., a large list. There is also a movie about the Paleolithic diet called "the perfect human diet" (the search for the most perfect human diet), this movie is called the world's first Paleo Diet movie, from which you can understand the Paleolithic diet more intuitively The theoretical basis and main points of view.
Paleo Diet's recommended food list:
Organic meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, Green leafy vegetables, nightshade plants, cruciferous plants, root vegetables, pumpkin vegetables, seaweeds, olives and other oily fruits; Natural oils, nuts and seeds; Herbs, spices, onions, garlic and other allium plants; Berries, citrus fruits.

Limit calorie diet
Limit the total calorie intake, so that calorie intake is less than the consumption, by creating poor calories, to achieve the purpose of weight loss. No matter which dietary mode you adopt, Mediterranean or low-fat or low-carbon water, making poor calories can be said to be the true meaning of weight loss. The following focuses on two calorie-restricting diets, Fast Diet fasting and Body Reset Diet, which are relatively extreme and not suitable for long-term adoption.
Zone Die
As mentioned earlier, I wo n’t go into details here, please refer to the low-carbon water diet for details.
The Fast Diet
British doctor Michael Mosley and journalist / writer Mimi Spencer invented the diet method. They wrote a book called "The Fast Diet". Fast here does not mean fast, but refers to fasting. The fasting method also has a name called 5: 2 eating method, which means that there are five days a week to eat normally, and two days to limit the amount of food. As a reminder, people with diabetes, pregnant women, adolescents, children, and eating disorders should take a detour.
Theory: If we eat intermittently, our body will be fooled. The body believes that we may be experiencing famine. In this case, the body will switch to protection mode and rely on fat burning to provide energy. At the same time, when the body responds to hunger, it becomes stronger.
In a week
Fasting for two days: Calories are restricted during two unconnected days, and intake is 25% of normal days (600 calories for men and 500 calories for women). Eat about 50g of high-protein foods every day, such as steamed white fish, skinless chicken, tofu, nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, etc. With low-calorie, low-glycemic load, high-fiber, high-nutrition fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries and carrots.
Normal diet for five days: no calories, no prohibited food.
The picture below is an example of daily intake of 500 calories and 600 calories
Body Reset Diet
Reshape body weight loss method proposed by fitness coach Harley Pasternak, he graduated with a master's degree in sports physiology and nutrition science from the University of Toronto. Harley Pasternak ’s clients are not lacking in Hollywood superstars. The star effect makes Harley Pasternak ’s remodeling body weight loss method bring its own halo. In fact, remodeling the body to lose weight is very simple and easy to do, summed up is to drink a variety of Smoothies for meal replacement. The mixed juice of high-fiber vegetables and fruits is the mainstream, and dairy products, smoothies, protein powder, etc. can also be added. Compared with fruit juice, the biggest feature of Smoothie is that there is no need to filter out the residue, high cellulose content, and a strong sense of fullness.
Principle: Take 15 days as a unit, every five days as a stage, a total of three stages. During the 15 days, you need to get most of the nutrition through Smoothie, and then gradually add the solid food back to the diet. In this process, people will "reset" their bodies, quickly lose weight and maintain weight for a long time. It is recommended to walk 10,000 steps a day, and cooperate with endurance and resistance training.
Stage 1 : Three meals Smoothie + two meals snack
The first stage staple food can only drink smoothie, which can be distinguished by color. For example, drink white smoothie for breakfast, red for lunch, and green for dinner. Milk or Greek yogurt in white smoothie can provide a source of protein. The red smoothie is mainly based on fruits, providing energy, and the green smoothie is mainly composed of vegetables, making people full of vitality. In addition to smoothie, you can eat two snacks per day, 100 to 180 calories per serving, such as a quarter cup of edamame, an apple, three biscuits, and a tablespoon of almond butter.
Stage 2 : Two meals of Smoothie + one meal of solid food
Drink smoothies twice a day and replace meals with solid foods such as salads, sandwiches, and stir-fried dishes.
Stage 3 : One meal Smoothie, two meals solid food
Low-fat diet
The purpose of the low-fat diet is mainly to lower cholesterol. Because plasma cholesterol levels are affected by dietary cholesterol intake. Saturated fatty acids can increase cholesterol synthesis, and a low-fat diet that reduces cholesterol intake can help control plasma cholesterol levels and reduce weight. In the low-fat diet section, we focus on two TLC Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet and the Ornish Diet Orlan Diet.
TLC Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes TLC diet
This is the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) 's guidelines for medical professionals to lower cholesterol. Its purpose is to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL), increase high density lipoprotein (HDL), and reduce the incidence of heart disease and arteriosclerosis.
Principle: strictly limit the intake of cholesterol in the daily diet. Saturated fat is less than 7% of total calories that day, total fat accounts for 25-35% of total daily calories, and daily intake of less than 200 mg of cholesterol.
Meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, nuts
The total amount of meat is less than 142g per day; choose skinless chicken, turkey, and fish with low saturated fat content (such as cod); replace the meat with dried peas, soybeans, and tofu; no more than 2 egg yolks per week (including Egg yolks in baked goods); replace whole eggs with egg whites.
Milk, yogurt, cheese
Eat 2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products every day; choose low-fat or fat-free cheese; choose frozen desserts with low saturated fat content, such as ice milk, low-fat frozen yogurt, sorbet; try low-fat or fat-free yogurt oil.
Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats to limit the total amount of fats or fats; use liquids containing unsaturated fats (canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil) Vegetable oil; limit butter, lard, fat oil and solid ghee; buy low-fat or non-fat mayonnaise and salad dressing.
fruit and vegetable
Eat at least 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day; snacks, desserts, salads, side dishes, and main courses filled with fruits and vegetables;
Stew meat with vegetables or make vegetarian main course with various vegetables; eat raw vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce); season with herbs, spices, lemon juice, vinegar, fat-free or low-fat mayonnaise or salad dressing; choose Whole wheat bread, dry oatmeal (without coconut oil, nuts, etc.); pasta and rice as staple foods; limit high-fat seasonings, soy sauce, butter, cheese, cream; limit sweet baked goods made from a large amount of saturated fat.
Sweets, snacks
Buy low-fat snacks (note: some sweets and snacks may have low fat content, but most calories are not low); choose low-sodium or salt-free snacks.
Ornish Diet
Ornish Diet was proposed by Dean Ornish, professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and founder of the Sausalito Institute of Preventive Medicine. Try to achieve weight loss, prevention and reversal of chronic diseases through nutrition, exercise, stress management and emotional support. In addition to healthy eating habits, Dr. Orland emphasizes the combined effects of multiple factors. In 2007, he published a book called "Spectrum" (The Spectrum), which explains its specific principles and methods.
Nutrition, exercise, stress management and emotional support are the four elements of a healthy life
Nutrition : Food is divided into five groups according to health. The most healthy (Group 1) to the most unhealthy (Group 5). For example, whole wheat bread is the first group, biscuits are the fifth group, and hot dogs and pork are in different groups. According to the health benefits, Chengdu can divide the food around it into five groups.
Exercise : Aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and stretching exercise are recommended. Deep breathing, meditation and yoga are good stress relief exercises. Moderate-intensity, regular, and moderate exercise habits are good for the body.
Stress management : Stress will cause the body to secrete adrenaline, cortisol, aldosterone and other neurotransmitters. Being out of stress for a long time will cause the body's reaction to cause disease.
Emotional support : Spending time with people you love and respect, seeking their support, will have a good impact on your health.
Principle: The general principle is to choose good carbon water, good fat, good protein, eat more vegetable and natural foods, reduce bad carbon water, bad fat, bad protein, and limit fat to 10% of daily calorie sources.
Good fats in order to maintain a low-fat target fat content of less than 10%, rich in antioxidants and n-3 fatty acids in nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, cashews, peanuts, etc.) and seeds (linseed, sunflower seeds , Pumpkin seeds) avocado, coconut, olive and other natural fats from plant sources are a good choice. Limit saturated fat (meat, poultry, fish and other animal fats), it is recommended to drink skim milk.
Good protein native form of the protein. Such as vegetable protein, egg white.
Moderate salt moderate use of salt. Natural spices such as spices and herbs are used to enhance the taste of food. For example, citrus and vinegar are widely used seasonings.
Reduce Caffeine Up to 2 cups of coffee or black tea per day.
Recommended nutritional supplements: multivitamins, vitamin B12, minerals, fish oil, etc., can be supplemented in appropriate amounts according to the doctor's recommendations.
Unstructured diet
This type of diet does not strictly stipulate the intake ratio of nutrients, but selects food with a relatively single measure. For example, food volume, glycemic index, pH, whether cooking, whether it is easy to cause inflammation and other indicators are used as the basis for food selection.
Volumetrics Diet
Volumetrics Diet is both an unstructured diet and a typical calorie-restricted diet. Created by Barbara Rolls, a professor of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. Volume on diet, Barbara Rolls author of The Volumetrics: Feel Full ON Fewer Calories, at The The Volumetrics Eating
Plan and The Ultimate Volumetric Diet,
Principle: Regardless of calories, people tend to eat the same weight or quantity of food every day. Since some foods have lower energy, if you choose such foods, you will consume fewer calories without reducing the total amount. Low-calorie-density foods can help people maintain fullness. Rolls divide food into four groups according to energy density. We try to choose the first and second types of food, and minimize the selection of the fourth type.
Group food by energy density
The first category (lower energy density) fruits, vegetables, skimmed milk, broth.
The second category (low energy density) includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, breakfast cereals with high starch content, meat with low fat content, beans and low-fat mixed dishes such as hot sauce with pasta.
The third category (medium energy density) is general meat, cheese, pizza, french fries, salad dressing, bread, biscuits, ice cream, cakes.
The fourth category (high energy density) biscuits, potato chips, chocolate candy, nuts, butter, cooking oil.
Rolls believes that flexible use of Volumetric Diet's philosophy will benefit a lot. For example, you have to think about how to replace the fourth type of food with the first type of food. When you choose dessert, choose raisins or fresh grapes? 100 calories is equivalent to 2 cups of grapes, or 1/4 cup of raisins, and 1/4 cup of raisins will be finished soon. The feeling of fullness is not strong. And if you choose a grape with a high water content, the fullness will be much stronger.
Foods with high water content play an important role in a Volumetric Diet, because water only increases weight, not calories. Soup (moisture content 80% to 95%), fruits and vegetables (moisture content 80% to 95%), yogurt (moisture content 75%), and pasta (moisture content 65%) are the right choices.
When a volumetric diet is used for weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the daily intake of 500-1000 calories according to the weight loss goal.
Fat: 20% -30% of total calories.
Carbohydrates: accounting for more than 55% of total calories, the best sources are whole grains, vegetables, and fruits that increase satiety.
Fiber: From whole grains, breakfast cereals rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables that are not peeled or juiced. Daily intake of dietary fiber reaches 20-30 grams. Dietary fiber is the key to reducing energy density and increasing satiety.
Sugar: Drink less sugary beverages such as soda. Drinking these sugary beverages can only increase calories without feeling full. But don't completely reject sugar. Adding a small amount of sugar will make foods with lower energy density taste more delicious.
Protein: 15% of calories come from protein. Beans, low-fat fish, skinless poultry, and lean meat are good sources of protein. Ensuring adequate protein intake can prevent the body from consuming muscles and maintain metabolism.
Water: Water is the key component of the Volumetric diet. It is recommended that women drink at least 9 glasses of water a day, while men should achieve 12 glasses a day. Water in food can replace sugary drinks.
At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day can make it easier for you to manage your weight. Resistance training twice a week, brisk walking 5-6 km / h every day is a good form of exercise. Do not sit too long, watch less TV, and increase physical activity.
Glycemic Index Diet
The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the influence of carbohydrates on blood sugar. The concept of GI was first proposed by David Jenkins, a professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto in Canada in 1981, to explain the difference in the rate at which different types of carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. High-GI foods are quickly broken down into glucose, while low-GI foods digest more slowly and slowly release energy. Of course, some experts believe that it is unreasonable to evaluate food by GI index alone, because the GI index of some junk foods is not high. In addition, different food combinations and the cooking temperature will change the GI value of food.
According to the GI index, categorize carbohydrates:
"Good" carbohydrates have a low glycemic index and slow digestion, which is conducive to keeping blood sugar and metabolism stable. A fuller sense of fullness helps control appetite, delay hunger, and promote weight loss.
"Bad" carbohydrates
The high glycemic index, rapid digestion, and rapid increase in blood sugar make people more hungry.
Low GI green light food recommendation
Fruits: raspberry, apple, pear, blueberry, apple, orange, peach, grape, kiwi, banana
Oats: containing bran oats, oatmeal
Vegetables: Kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, corn cobs
Cereals: wheat tortillas, wheat pasta, white pasta, tortillas
Sweeteners: stevia, fructose, sisal sugar, coconut sugar, maple sugar
Beverages: red wine, beer, tomato juice, orange juice
Dairy products: butter, cheese, whole milk, skim milk, sweet yogurt, low-fat yogurt, soy milk
Gluten: wheat tortillas, potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta
Snacks: peanuts, peanut butter, corn flakes
Acid Alkaline Diet
Acid Alkaline Diet is also called alkaline ash diet or acid ash diet. The argument of food acidity and alkalinity comes from the study of food ash. The researchers believe that the pH of a food does not depend on the PH value of the food itself, but on the pH value of the ash content after the food burns. If the ash mainly contains elements such as phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine, it is considered to be acidic food, and if it mainly contains elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, it is considered to be alkaline food. Historically, the medical application of pH diet has mainly focused on preventing kidney stones and recurrent urinary tract infections. The pH of food ash can indeed affect the pH of urine, but there is no sufficient scientific basis for whether it can affect the pH of blood and whether it can treat diseases.
Principle: The theory is that acidic food will make the body's acid-base imbalance. Balancing the body's pH through diet can bring many health benefits. In a strict pH diet, alkaline food should account for 80% and acidic food account for 20%. Others follow the 60/40 ratio.
Alkaline foods include: natural vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains, almonds, lentils, tofu, green peppers, kelp, sweet potatoes, almonds, chestnuts, tofu, miso, bean sprouts, lentils, etc. It is recommended to treat fruits and vegetables as staple food and snacks to reduce meat and starch. Alkaline superfoods include: lemon, avocado, cruciferous vegetables, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, sea salt, soybeans, kale, garlic, and mineral water.
Acidic foods include: red meat, processed and pre-packaged foods, fried foods, dairy products, wheat products, sugary snacks and sugary drinks, beer. Don't ignore hidden acidic foods such as tomato paste, mayonnaise, salad dressing, fried bread and coffee.
Raw Food Diet
The contemporary raw food diet was proposed by Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher Benner (1867-1939). He discovered that raw apples can treat his jaundice, so he began a series of experiments to test the impact of raw food on human health. Raw foodism is influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution. Bircher Benner believes that humans are just an animal. Only humans will cook food and eat it. Other animals eat directly raw.
What is raw food? Raw food refers to food that has not been cooked, processed, microwaved, irradiated, genetically engineered, or sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, etc. are typical raw foods. Raw foodism believes that cooking will destroy most of the nutrients in food, and even produce harmful substances. Therefore, raw eaters prohibit any pasteurized foods, processed foods, refined sugar, flour, salt, caffeine, baked goods, supermarket canned juices (self-made juices using fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed), beverages, and milk.
No cooking: Do not heat food above 42 degrees Celsius / 118 degrees Fahrenheit
Not processed: as fresh as possible
Organic: free of pesticides, pesticides, etc.
Raw food has relatively high requirements for kitchen equipment. Basically, steaming, boiling, frying, and roasting equipment are not useful. Typical raw food equipment include Blender, Juicer, Food processor, Dehydrators, Spiralizer and Sprouter. The style is as follows:
Raw-vegan refers to vegetarian raw eaters, which account for a relatively large number. Some people choose to eat raw animal products, such as raw (unpasteurized) milk, sashimi, and raw meat. Raw foodism recommends eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, bean sprouts, seeds, nuts. Grains can also be eaten raw, and dried organic beans (such as lentils, chickpeas, red beans, and green beans) can also be eaten raw. Other common options include cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed coconut oil. Freshly squeezed vegetable juice and herbal tea can also be eaten.
The concept of raw foodism is relatively vague, and the operation is also different, often requiring tedious preparations. Vegetarian raw food eaters are more prone to calorie deficiencies and need targeted calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D supplements. It should be noted that if the ingredients themselves are contaminated, there is a risk of food poisoning when eating uncooked ingredients.
Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory anti-inflammatory diet
Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory anti-inflammatory diet was proposed by Dr. Andrew Weil. Andrew Weil is well-known in alternative medicine and integrated medicine, has published many books, and has established his own brand. Andrew Weil believes that stress, environmental toxins, physical activity, and diet all affect the level of inflammation. His anti-inflammatory diet is based on a Mediterranean-style diet that promotes healthy fats, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, and limits animal protein. Andrew Weil and Sam Fox partner opened a True food kitchen restaurant.
About 40-50% of calories come from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 20-30% from protein. Weil recommends trying to mix three nutrients in every meal.
Carbohydrates : Choose low GI, low GL index carbohydrates to keep blood sugar stable. Beans, pumpkin, potatoes, whole grains are all good choices. Biscuits, frozen pizza, cakes, sweets, etc. should be avoided as much as possible. It is worth mentioning that the whole wheat that Weil refers to is wild rice, barley, quinoa, millet, etc., rather than whole wheat bread made with flour.
Fat : Fat can make people feel happy, and it is the substance that constitutes the flavor of food. If the fat content of a meal is less than 20%, then the meal can be said to be tasteless. Among the fats, monounsaturated fats are good fats, and olive oil, nuts, and avocado are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. The polyunsaturated fats (sesame oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil) and saturated fats (butter, cream, meat fat) commonly used in fast food restaurants are not healthy after being fried at high temperature. Extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, n-3 fatty acid fortified eggs, walnuts, hemp seeds, flax seeds, seaweed, seaweed are considered healthy. He was encouraged to eat more fatty fish, such as wild salmon, sardines, and herring. If the intake of fatty fish is less than twice a week, EPA and DHA supplements can be used to achieve the ideal intake.
Protein : Reduce animal protein and increase plant protein intake.
Fruits and vegetables : Fruits and vegetables can provide vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, it is recommended to eat in large quantities to ensure variety. Recommended berries, tomatoes, oranges, yellow fruits, cruciferous vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables. For details, please refer to Dirty 12 and Clean15 released by EWG every year. When conditions permit, organic food is preferred to avoid pesticides.
Beverages : Drink pure water to avoid chlorine and chloramines in the water. Use white tea, green tea, and oolong tea instead of coffee, and drink an appropriate amount of red wine.
Snacks : Pure dark chocolate with a cocoa content of over 70% has a relatively good antioxidant effect.
Supercharged Hormone Diet
The hormonal diet was proposed by Natasha Turner, a natural therapist. Natasha Turner believes that stress and environmental toxins can cause hormonal disorders. If the hormones are dysregulated, dieting and exercising will be difficult. For example, excessive exercise can affect thyroid hormones, which can lead to weight loss. Certain hormones such as the stress hormone cortisol can make it difficult to control appetite.
Step1: Detoxification (1-2 weeks)
The two-week detoxification aims to remove excess hormones (such as estrogen and cortisol) and reduce inflammation.
Remove allergic and inflammatory foods, including caffeine, sugar, alcohol, avoid gluten, dairy products, corn, potatoes, oil, peanuts, oranges, oranges, grapefruit.
Step2: Reintroducing food (3-4 weeks)
Starting from the third week, add food one by one to determine which foods are not suitable for the body. For example, if you eat flatulence, then reduce the amount of yogurt. By the end of the four weeks, you will understand which foods need to be removed from the menu.
Step3: Glyci-Mediterranean Diet Mediterranean diet based on glycemic index (after 4 weeks)
After four weeks, follow the Glyci-Mediterranean diet (refer to the previous section on GI and Mediterranean diet, Glyci-Mediterranean is a combination of the two).
※ Nutrition supplement Turner recommends taking supplements within 1-4 weeks to improve hormone breakdown, increase metabolism, and reduce appetite. It is recommended to add probiotics, vitamin D3, etc., but nutritional supplements are not necessary for everyone.

Finally finished the 21 diet methods ~
To recap, we talked about six categories (Mediterranean diet, vegetarian diet, low-carb water diet, low-fat diet, calorie-restricted diet, and unstructured diet), a total of 21 (Mediterranean Diet Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, anti-hypertensive diet, MIND diet, supercharged Hormone diet, hormonal diet, vegetarian diet, vegetarian diet, the flexitarian diet, Atkins diet, Eco-Atkins Eco-Atkins diet, Zone Diet, Paleo Diet Paleolithic diet, Keto Diet ketogenic diet, TLC Diet low-fat diet, Ornish Diet Orlan doctor diet, Raw food Diet Raw food, The fast Diet fasting method, Body Reset Diet remodeling body diet method, Volumetric Diet food volume method, Glycemic-Index Diet GI value diet method, Acid Alkaline Diet pH diet method, Anti-Inflammatory Diet anti-inflammatory diet method) Comparison Representative dietary methods.
It should be emphasized that these dietary methods are mainly based on changes in the dietary structure of the modern West, especially the United States.
Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, the US medical system is facing great pressure, looking for reasons from the diet, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, fried foods are considered the culprit.
The Mediterranean diet is the blueprint for many dietary methods because of its good balance, relatively easy access to ingredients, and the most acceptable taste. Mediterranean-style diet is also a more recognized way of eating in mainstream American institutions. The dietary guidelines for American residents are based on the Mediterranean-style diet. In Asia, a good blueprint for reference is the Japanese diet. The diet structure is similar to the Mediterranean. It pays attention to ingredients, fewer processing links, and relatively light taste.

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