Artificial Intelligence: How Can Artificial Intelligence Accelerate The Detection Of Corona Virus Treatment? - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Monday, April 20, 2020

Artificial Intelligence: How Can Artificial Intelligence Accelerate The Detection Of Corona Virus Treatment?

It seems that extraordinary help is needed to overcome the global outbreak of the Corona virus and prevent its cause from occurring.

Perhaps Artificial Intelligence is a bit overstated. But when it comes to medicine, there is a proven record of how useful artificial intelligence has been in this field.

So can artificial intelligence help with the challenge of discovering the cure for this dangerous disease?

Many companies are in the race to solve this problem.

Oxentia, a company based in Oxford, which first tested humans with artificial intelligence, has been involved in researching 15,000 drugs at the Scripps Research Institute in California.

Helix, a Cambridge company founded by Viagra co-creator Dr. David Brown, has turned the artificial intelligence system to finding medicines for rare diseases. Now their goal is to discover Corona's treatment.

The system is divided into three parts:

Review all current literature literature
To study the DNA's DNA structure and structure
Evaluate the fit of different medicines
The drug discovery process has traditionally been quite slow.

Dr Brown told BBC News, "I've been doing this for 45 years and so far I've been able to bring only three medicines to market."

But artificial intelligence is proving very fast.

"It has taken us several weeks to gather the required data and we have also received new information in the last few days so we have a large amount of data," says Dr Brown.

"The algorithm was run on Easter and in the next seven days we will have the results of all three procedures," he explains.

Helix hopes that in light of this information, he will make a list of possible drugs by May and he is discussing laboratories for his clinical trials.

When it comes to the Corona virus, there are two ways for those seeking treatment with artificial intelligence:

Looking for a completely new drug but having to wait a few years to approve its safe use
Rejuvenating existing medicines with a new purpose

Artificial intelligence alone cannot find a cure for this virus
But Dr. Brown said there was absolutely no possibility that the cure could be cured with a single drug.

For Helix, this means a detailed analysis of eight million potential pairs and 10.5 billion collections of medicines made possible with over 4,000 approved medicines in the market.

"Artificial intelligence is one of the strongest paths we have to achieve a viable drug," Professor Ara Tarazi, director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, told BBC News. But the basic requirement for this is a set of high quality, large and clear data. '

"To date, much of this information has been sent to individual companies, such as large pharma companies or these have been lost in old laboratories within universities."

"Now more than ever, there is a need to combine data sources involved in the discovery of these proportional materials, so that researchers of artificial intelligence are using their new machine learning techniques to discover the treatment of Cod-19 as soon as possible." Can do. '

Barabasi Laboratory of North Eastern University in the United States, Harvard Medical School, Stanford Network Science Institute and Biotech startup Shaffer Madison, all looking for a drug that has been redesigned as soon as the Cod 19 treatment Can go

The drug discovery process has traditionally been quite slow Amazing discovery

Sheriff's chief executive, Alif Saleh, said it would usually take 'a year in the paperwork' to work together.

"But with people who have the ability to make the work logical and have the time, a whole series of zoom calls can be made to speed up the process."

They say, 'The work done in the last three weeks usually takes half a year. Everyone has paid attention to everything else. '

And the amazing results of their research are starting to emerge. Including:

The suggestion that the virus may be invading brain cells, causing some people to lose a sense of taste or smell.
It is predicted that the virus could also attack the reproductive system of both males and females
Shaffer Madison combines artificial intelligence with something they call Network Medicine. It is a method of visualizing a disease through a complex interaction between molecular components.

Salih says, 'The disease that comes to us is rarely due to a single gene or protein defect. Nature is not so easy. Rather, it is the result of a skirmish between multiple proteins. '

Consortium has identified 81 potential drugs that may be helpful, using Network Medicine, artificial intelligence and the fusion of both.

Artificial intelligence can do a lot of good, not only in improving the order, but in seeing the free information that might not go beyond network medicine, says Professor Albert Laszlo Barabasi.

But artificial intelligence can't do it alone, it requires all three of these methods.

He adds, 'Different tools see things from different perspectives, but together they become very powerful.'

Some artificial intelligence companies are already claiming that they have identified some drugs that may be helpful.

Benevolent artificial intelligence has identified 'baristinib' as a potential cure for the prevention of a virus affecting lung cells, leading to inflammation of the bones (which causes inflammation in the joints of water in the joints). Is a medicine approved for treatment.

And now controlled trials are being conducted at the US Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Alibaba announces an algorithm that can diagnose people infected with the virus within 20 seconds, with 96% accurate results

Meanwhile, scientists from South Korea and the US have used Deep Learning to highlight their research using commercially available anti-viral drugs, such as etizanavir (a drug used to treat AIDS), as a potential drug. Is.

Other companies are using artificial intelligence for other purposes, such as analyzing scans to reduce the burden on radiologists and helping predict which patients will need more ventilators.

For example, Chinese technology guru Alibaba announced an algorithm that can diagnose people infected with the virus within 20 seconds, with 96% accurate results.

But some experts warn that it is hardly possible that artificial intelligence systems have been trained on advanced disease statistics, and therefore may not be so effective at detecting early signs of the virus. Yes

Professor Darzi said that policy makers globally should try to convince large pharmaceutical companies, academics and research charities to work together using their data sources.

He says, 'There could be no better chance for sharing information, discovering data and secrets to help artificial intelligence in the fight against Cod-19.'

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