Has the government even managed to convince religious leaders? - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Has the government even managed to convince religious leaders?

Has the government even managed to convince religious leaders?

According to President Arif Alawi, the government has the authority to change orders and policies for the severely affected area.

Today, both Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Arif Alawi have made statements to address the Corona virus epidemic where President Arif Alawi spoke about the Taraweeh and the gatherings in Ramadan, where Imran Khan spoke about softening the lockdown. Let me specify.

President Arif Alawi presided over a consultation meeting via video link with scholars and practitioners of various schools across the country, following which the 20-point proposal was announced.

President Arif Alawi said that all these decisions were made by consensus and in this regard it is not the responsibility of any one individual but it is the responsibility of each individual to abide by these principles.

20-Point Tips:

  • No mosque or rituals will be erected in the mosque and the priests.
  • Those who want to pray from home must do so
  • Avoid crowding before and after prayer.
  • Prayer should be offered in the courtyard instead of the hall where the courtyard is located.
  • Over 50 years of age, minor children and those affected by cough, nausea and fever should not go to the mosque.
  • Prayer should be arranged in the premises of the mosque, not to be read on the sidewalk.
  • The mosque should be washed with a solution of chlorine.
  • The alignment should be arranged so that the space between the two prayers should be left blank.
  • Committees should be formed in mosques to ensure that the proposals are followed and marked.
  • Do wudoo at home, wash hands with soap for 20 seconds.
  • It is mandatory to come to mosques wearing masks, do not sit beside others, do not join hands.
  • In the current situation, it is better to have a retreat at home.
  • The mosque should not be organized in the mosque
  • Do not touch your face.
  • Liaise with the district administration and the police at the mosque and the administration of the imambargah.
  • Travelers and congregation prayers are subject to these precautions.

Hanif Jalandhari says the imam mosque cannot prevent a worshiper from coming to the mosque

President Arif Alawi also made it clear that during Ramadan, if the government feels that these precautions are not being followed or the number of victims has risen alarmingly, then the government, like other fields, is concerned about mosques and imams. Will review the policy.

In addition, the government has the authority to change orders and policies for the severely affected area.

'Imam mosque cannot prevent a worshiper from coming to the mosque'
The Secretary General of the Federal Al-Madas, Mohammad Hanaf Jalandhari, said that scholars from different schools will make sure that they implement the 20 points agreed upon to protect the Corona virus.

Talking to BBC correspondent Shahzad Malik, he said that it would be agreed before the start of Ramadan that announcements should be made in all the mosques before the implementation of this 20-point.

He said that if the prayer was announced by the President for the Taraweeh, that is, six feet between each prayer, keeping in mind that as many as the first time they would come to the mosque, they would have to pray in the congregation. Permission will be allowed, while the survivors will be asked to go to their homes and pray Taraweeh.

But at the same time, Hanif Jalandhari said that the Imam Mosque cannot prevent a worshiper from coming to the mosque.

'The real issue will be the implementation of this 20-point agenda '

"The real problem will be the implementation of this 20-point agenda," says journalist Ali Sher, who monitors religious party activities.

Al-Sher, who monitors the activities of religious parties, says that the real issue will be the implementation of this 20-point agenda.
Talking to the BBC's Prince Malik, he said that in the meeting that the scholars of various schools had met with the President a few weeks ago, in Article 5 of the agreement, it was written that mosques had more More than five people can pray in congregation, and the scholars agreed, but did not see it implemented.

He said that there have been many incidents in which there were clashes between the Imam Mosque and the administration to prevent people from coming to the mosque.

He added that this 20-point formula acknowledges the Ulema's suggestions and includes points that Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman and Mufti Taqi Usmani announced during a press conference in Karachi a few days ago.

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