Corona virus starts pushing again in Singapore, should the world worry? - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Corona virus starts pushing again in Singapore, should the world worry?

 Ever since the Corona virus came out, Singapore is being cited worldwide as an example of how this small but wealthy country has taken steps to prevent the spread of the virus.
Since the Corona virus was not even named Covid 19, the Singapore government had ordered citizens to cut down on unnecessary travel and most effectively tracked all those who contacted the virus. I'm here
But in recent times the number of corona virus patients has increased in Singapore and the number of new cases has increased from 142 to 287 in one day. A total of more than 2200 cases have been reported in the country while 528 have been fully recovered and a total of eight deaths have been reported.
The majority of the new cases that have emerged in Singapore come from the hostels that Singapore has created for foreign workers.
In the past, Singapore has been criticized for keeping foreign workers in distant hostels from cities. These hostels have at least twelve rooms in one room.
Now there is a partial lockdown in Singapore. Schools and unnecessary businesses are closed and people have been told to stay home.
Experts say that one of the world's richest countries, which was doing everything right up until now, needs to learn some important lessons.
What was Singapore doing right?
The first Corona virus patient arrives January 23 in Singapore. He was a Chinese tourist who came to Singapore from Wuhan city.
Wuhan City was locked down that same day, but Singapore reacted as an example to the way Singapore reacted when the first case of Corona came out.
Singapore immediately started checking travelers at its airports. Each suspected patient was tested and with the help of technology, all the people who were exposed to the corona virus were detected. All these people were locked up in their homes until their tests came back negative.
The head of the World Health Organization described Singapore as an example that others should follow.
Singapore managed to keep Corona's patients low for several weeks and there was no restriction on the transportation of citizens to Singapore, except in a few places.
Professor Dale Fisher, chairman of WHO's Global Outbreak Alert Response, told the BBC that whenever he heard people saying that Singapore was successfully preventing the spread of the virus, my answer was "now. up to.'
Professor Dale Fisher says the disease is very difficult to prevent.

When did things start to get worse?
The steps that Singapore took to spread the Corona virus remained in force for the first two weeks of March, but when the virus began to spread worldwide and governments began to repatriate their citizens, thousands of Singapore citizens returned from these countries. Let's not take the risk of the Corona virus seriously yet. Thousands of people returned to Singapore too.
Every citizen coming from abroad must stay in their homes for two weeks. However, other people living in these homes who did not come from abroad and had no impact on the corona virus were allowed to live a normal life.
By the middle of March, corona virus patients had been on the rise in Singapore, but the majority of them were from people who had either come from overseas or had contact with visitors from abroad.
Now it is being discussed in Singapore that the families who joined people who came from abroad and other family members should be banned.
"When things happen, it's easy to say that it was a mistake, but the fact is that what we now know about the disease," says Professor Ying Ying-tu, dean of the Southwestern School of Public Health, Singapore. We didn't know that much at the time. It is not known at this time that a person infected with the virus can live a normal life for several days without showing any symptoms. '
This Singaporean experience also teaches us that we do not need to rely too much on what we know about this virus.
For example, we should not assume that a person who has been infected with this virus has been permanently protected from the virus because it is not yet certain.

What does Singapore tell us where the virus spreads?
Many steps are being taken to stop the import of viruses into Singapore. Now everyone coming from outside must go to Government Quarantine.
Recently, Singapore has approved a law that allows non-essential homeowners to be fined $ 10,000 or imprisonment for up to six months. The government is not giving it the name of Lockdown, but it is actually Lockdown.
Where did Cody 19 's new patient come from?
The recent increase in Corona's new patients is due to the hostels where millions of workers from poor countries are kept. These people work in the shipping, construction and repair work industries.
These foreign workers are legally required to live in these hostels. There are twelve people in each room, with their kitchens and bathrooms shared.
These hostels have confirmed 500 corona virus patients.
National Development Minister Lawrence Wang has said that we knew that Corona could spread to these hostels. I wanted to tackle the problem in a different way, but many workers were working despite the symptoms of the disease.
The number of new Corona patients may increase dramatically next week or so, Minister Lawrence Wang says.
Professor Tew says that what happened at these hostels indicates that countries like South Asia, South East Asia and some countries in Africa where a large number of people are forced to live in similar hostels. Can be

Professor Lee Hong Hsu says Singaporean hostels also teach us that economic prosperity is the best way.
"The virus has exposed the faults of our society and especially the problems of foreign workers."
Professor Lee Hong Hsu says that these hostels prepared by foreign workers do not adhere to the principle of minimal human housing and prove that their needs are insufficient.
"A rich country like Singapore needs to do more for the health of the people who are so important to our society."
In Singapore, 24,000 workers have been banned from their hostels and they are being paid full salaries and free meals are also being provided.
The government says it is also rapidly testing them and that workers who are not infected with the virus are being transported to government buildings or military camps.
Hostels set up by foreign workers in Singapore are being compared to tourist ships, which has led to the spread of the Corona virus in the world.
Singapore's Manpower Minister Josephine Tiao said upgrading the standard of workers' hostels would be a direct step.
Isn't it possible to stop the spread of the virus?
Singapore was accused of delaying the lockdown. But Professor Dale Fisher says that Singapore took steps faster than many countries and began to restrict people's movement at a time when the number of Corona's new patients was around 100 per day.
Professor Fisher says lockdown can only be achieved if three steps are taken together.
The first is to limit the spread of the virus by limiting people to homes. The health system also needs time. Empty the patient beds first and the health staff should be able to take a vacation.
The third and most important requirement is the ability to find quarantine facilities, isolation facilities, and patient contact.
"If you take a step or two and then open everything up, history will repeat itself," says Professor Dale Fisher.
Singapore is fortunate that its health system, unlike the US or the UK, has not yet weakened.
Singapore is ruled by a party and the media here also supports the government.
Professor Dale Fisher says that despite the clear messages, people in Singapore are not fully aware of the severity of the outbreak.
"They would say that yes, Singapore should do this but I'm going to see my mother."
In the first two days of the implementation of the new law in Singapore, a warning was issued to ten thousand people who were eating and drinking in public places instead of taking them home.
Countries with large populations and complex politics require weeks and months to do something.
All countries are eager to see signs of improvement, but the lesson learned in Singapore is that there is no room for relaxation and relaxation. All countries should be prepared for the second, third and perhaps fourth wave of the outbreak.
Professor Tew says that if the Corona virus prevalence data is accurate in the world, many countries still have the opportunity to restrict populated populations there and eliminate virus-infected people. Give up
The world should set the example of Singapore hostels. Professor Tew says that we must prepare the world. There are also communities in Europe and the United States where people live nearby. What happens when Cody Nintendo gets there?

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