What is the difference between natural and cesarean-born children's bacteria? - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What is the difference between natural and cesarean-born children's bacteria?

The largest study on childbirth so far has revealed that the gastrointestinal bacteria of babies born naturally and those who are undergoing cesarean or operation are dramatically different from one another.

British scientists say that these microbes serve as the 'thermo state' for the immune system facing children early in life.

And this can help explain why babies born after the end of the operation have slightly more health problems at a later age.

Experts have urged women not to scratch their vagina with what they call 'vaginal seeding' - not rubbing their babies.

Beckett's stomach or Rhea How important?

Our whole body is not human, but an ecosystem in which half of our body cells are made up of microbes like bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Most of these are in our gastrointestinal tract and are collectively referred to as 'microbiomes'.

These microbiomes are linked to diseases such as allergies, obesity, suspected inflammatory diseases, Parkinson's, whether cancer drugs work or not, or are linked to depression and autism.

A study by the Welcome Center, UCL and the University of Birmingham, examined how the microbiome evolved when we came out of the uterus and into a bacterial world. Is.

About 600 newborn babies were sampled continuously in the first month of Naples and in some cases up to one year of stool sampling.

More than half of our body is other parts
This research has been published in the research journal Nature. It shows that naturally born babies receive most of the bacteria from their mothers.

But children born from the operation had high levels of hospital bugs such as Klebsiella and Pseudomonas.

"What surprised and terrified me was the amount of healthcare bugs seen in these children," said Dr Trevor Lali of the Welcome Sanger Institute. 'It could be 30% of their microbiome.'

But what intrigues me is that we have amazing data on the basis of which we must consider how we can properly shape the human system at the very beginning of birth. '

  • If you count all the cells in your body, you are more microbes than humans because only 43% of your human being is human.
  • All the rest are microbiomes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and a single cell.
  • The entire set of genetic instructions in the human genome is based on a maximum of 20,000 instructions and is called a gene.
  • But when you combine all of your genes with the microbiome, there are two million microbial genes all together.
  • Our microbiome is also known as 'genome secondary'.

Does it affect a child's health?

Already know that babies born through operation are at high risk of type 1 diabetes, allergies and asthma.

The immune system can play a role in all of them not functioning normally.

The differences between naturally born babies and those who are born with the operation end over time and become equal to their first day of birth.

The strong idea in this field is that the bugs that first come into our body are crucial for our immune system to recognize enemies and friends.

Dr Nigel Fields, a researcher at UCL, said: 'The assumption is that birth can be a thermostat moment that defines our immune system for the future.'

The study, called the Baby Biome Project, will continue and monitor children with their births, and it is hoped that further clarification will emerge.

Can there be another way to change a child's microbiome?

The method of childbirth has the greatest influence on the microbiome of children, but antibiotics and breastfeeding mothers also affect the neonatal relationship of our human half and the microbial half.

Earlier research in this field has revealed the trend of 'vaginal seeding', in which the mothers get the vaginal secretions from their vagina on the body and mouth of the baby during the operation.

But recent research has found that even babies born naturally do not get much more vaginal bacteria than those born through operation.

Instead, during pregnancy, the mother's waste transmits more bacteria into the baby. Researchers believe that getting vaginal seeding may put children at risk of a dangerous group B strep.

In the future, it may be possible for the baby born through the operation to be given a mixture of good bacteria at birth so that they can get their start in the path of the germ.

Dr Lali said: 'These are the bugs that are attributed to us and we attribute them to them. My interest is in knowing which microbes or germs are transmitted from mother to child. It is not just a coincidence that these bugs are deeply rooted in humans.

"That's what we want to understand and protect from the relationship between mother and baby."

What should pregnant women do?
Dr. Allison Wright, vice president of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, said that this discovery was very important and that women should not hesitate to cesarean.

He said: 'In many cases cesarean is a life-saving method and may be the right choice for the unborn child.

The exact role of the microbiome in the newborn and the factors that alter it is still unclear. Therefore, I believe that this research will not distract women from the operation. '

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