Corona Virus: Students Disturbed in New Districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Due to Internet Issue. - BEST WEBSITE FOR DAILY POPULAR WORLD TOP NEWS - JTN

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Corona Virus: Students Disturbed in New Districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Due to Internet Issue.

After the outbreak of quotidian 19, many educational institutions have started taking online classes in Pakistan, but in the new districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa due to lack of internet there are many problems. Are doing
Students belonging to these districts will stay away from educational activities until the internet is restored there.
Bashra Mehsud from South Waziristan is doing M.Phil at Hazara University, but due to Corona and Lockdown, she could not go to her village in South Waziristan because she could not take her classes due to lack of internet there.
She says, "Not having internet, not only are our students missing out on classes but in the meantime, we cannot apply for any job."
According to Bashra Mehsud, his people lack access to the Corona epidemic on social media due to lack of internet.
Out of the seven districts of the former FATA, only Bajaur has internet signals at a certain place, while all the other new districts have 3G and force signals turned off.
Prime Minister Imran Khan on March 9 addressed the gathering in Mohmand district, giving federal minister Murad Saeed the task of solving the problem of the internet, but according to the promises made by the residents of these districts, the promise has now been made. Could not be completed.
Arshad Afridi, who belongs to Khyber District, wants Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan to fulfill other commitments from the federal government, including the restoration of the Internet in new districts.
"Many promises were made to us in the reforms, but if any of those promises have not yet been fulfilled, we want the Center and Prime Minister Imran Khan to fulfill those promises," he said.
It should be noted that in these new districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, internet service was shut down for various reasons for security reasons, but it was never told what kind of security problems the internet service could cause.
Naela Altaf, a student in the newly integrated district of Kurram, says, "If the mobile signals are not working properly in our area then internet signals are a matter of distance."
When the BBC asked Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government spokesman Ajmal Wazir about the restoration of Internet service in the new districts of the province, he said it would be discussed at an important meeting on Thursday.

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